Jemmy's Place

Health and beauty lifestyle for women.

The year is still new...

Wow... Its been a while in here.

Halfway through January already?? Where did the time go?

I would have said that this is the longest month of the year, but with the way time flew, I’m having my doubts. January is a special month; it’s the start of the year, a chance to start right. A clean slate.

However, this is not just a time to make new plans and resolutions; it’s also a time to set the wheels in motion. Will the zeal and enthusiasm we started the year with carry us through to the end? I’m hoping so.

In as much as we are trying to accomplish our goals, we must not forget to let our hair down. The year 2020 upwards taught me that mental health is just as important as physical health if not more. We need to pay attention to it.

My most read article last year was the one on depression. The realization dawned on me that a lot of people were going through depression and needed help more than they’d like to admit, which is one of the reasons why this new ear, I’ve resolved to be more intentional with my happiness. The world is too big and beautiful to not be happy.

In as much as I talk about health being wealth, I’ve actually focused more on the external. This year, I intend to dwell more within; the kind of happiness that only comes from the inside; the happiness we all like to refer to as self-love.

Loving yourself is basically the most important gift you can give yourself and ultimately the people around you. This year; promise to love yourself, make good choices and go out and have fun after a long day at work. Trust me; it’s important for your mental health.

Connect more with people, bring family closer, pause that diet and enjoy an ice-cream (I know I do) and find time to rest. Enjoy a stress-free lifestyle without overloading yourself over the bills. Go on a vacation if you have to, your life is so important. And don’t forget to try new thing like learning a new language or registering for a course. The year is still fairly brand new.

I’ll be leaving those few tips there. Until then, take care of yourself.

Jemmy cares.

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