Jemmy's Place

Health and beauty lifestyle for women.

Hey there, glow-getters! Are you ready to unlock the secrets to smooth, supple, super radiant, healthy skin? I'm guessing the answer is ...
Remember that popular song that said, "If I could give you advice in the future, wear sunscreen." I guess he was obviously on to s...
Oily skin is a common skin type that is caused by overactive sebaceous glands. These glands produce an excess amount of oil, leaving the ski...
I'm sure by now you do know that it's possible to get rid of skin tags. That's great news as a lot of people find it quite irrit...
December has already fallen upon us and we all know what that is famous for (apart from Christmas). As you might have guessed especially for...
Has your skin gotten to the stage where you're trying out various creams and nothing seems to work again? Then its time for you to calm...
Organic beauty soaps We all know that when it comes to food, organic products are better for us, but do we have the same approach towar...
Getting rid of pimples can take a long time and during this time some pimples die and leave spots while new ones come out. After getting ri...
Getting fair skin is possible using several fairness creams available in the market. However, most of these creams contain chemicals that m...
Hello beautiful FAM. Hope we are still reveling and basking in the euphoria of the New Year. As for me, the royalty ended a few hours a...