Jemmy's Place

Health and beauty lifestyle for women.

What are birth control pills? Birth control pills are also known as contraceptives, they have advantages and disadvantages. Not every wom...
If you desire to have a bigger butt and hips, then engage in the following exercises daily:  · Curtsy Lunge  Hold a dum...
So many people in the world today are conscious about their physical appearances, and if they had more money, they would do cosmetic surge...
Unwanted pregnancies can turn out to be a real nightmare and bring nothing but misery to the mother. But there could be a way out of the an...
Our lips lack sweat glands, therefore, we have to care for them specially. Having full pink lips accentuates your beauty as a woman.  ...
A part of the female genitalia is called the vagina. When it is not properly taken care of, infections will occur. When fungus and bacteria ...
Getting a fair skin is quite possible using several fairness cream available in the market. However, most of these creams contain chemicals...